FinnEmbassy and Minister of Finance Mr. Aseradens
This morning we were invited to share a breakfast with the Finnish ambassador and Minister ofFinnance Mr Aseradens. WE all arrived timely, the dining table was largely full – Lindstroms, SILJA,Neste, TietaEVRY (our chairwoman Valerija Varna), with Janis...
Cooking Realities” Teika Spet 25, 2023
This weekend was one of experimentation in the food sector and it went well but there ismore to learn. I had a chance to ask my previous customer, LasseH about cooking Indonesianfried rice, and what, and how to do it so the rice stays apart, and does not turn into a...
FCCL at Silja event September 21, 2023.
The B2BLiST and its project manager Henrik Mjoman attended an event on September 21, run by the Finnish Chamber of Commerce this afternoon on the outskirts of Riga. SILJA is owned and family-run by founder Silva Jeromane-Maura(with now passed husband Jan Maura fr...
So, the third version of LiQUIDITY took off in the evening of Monday September 18.
Why that date and dau you may ask? Well, chances were there for an opportunity to have our newSupporting GOLD Member present and as I knew he is a wines’ buff plus I had a few more (I thought), This was his last day before returning to Stockholm and Sweden for this...
NEW Course to the public – OFFERED – Networking Sales Coaching
Having now been part of Networking myself already back to 1996, I was told anew I should set one up! Being part of Networking where at a time 96% of all business I drew in came this way – I now embark on offering one or two shorter trainings. I have seen that a lot...
Investor seeking projects (points no.5 & 6 in the article)
1a/ We have an offer to organise the establishment of a Mozarella factory to be located anywhereworldwide.Investment level circa EUR 58,000In this amount is know-how and machineryProject via Italian owner of project.1b/ Via same contact also a Vegan Ice Cream...
Public Offering from BlueShockRace
In this LINK, there is general information what is BSR, its achievements, where it is going, what is its advantages and other important info for investors. Here seen is the success of Blue Shock Race – very much a factor of the successes...
Renewing membership Year 3 on June 28, 2023, Aigars Zviedris BlueShockRace
On June 28, this year, Aigars Zviedris signed on with for a third year withB2BLiST as a STANDARD member and LiST will try its best to support including with the current effort to find more financing to expand production and sponsors to the Racing...
B2BLiST International CrayFish Event September 7
After once having had to postpone the date for our classic event, now delivered for a third time in LiST history, this time we could see it off on Thursday September 7! -Having had help by my most focused Supporting GOLD members DivineLv & Communicate4result to...
NEW Course to the public – OFFERED – Networking Sales Coaching
Having now been part of Networking myself already back to 1996, I was told anew I should set one up! Being part of Networking where at a time 96% of all business I drew in came this way – I now embark on offering one or two shorter trainings. I have seen that a lot...
The Swedish CrayFish tradition
As far as I remember, and certainly from my early university days in Uppsala, early1980’s, I have attended and organized CrayFish’ parties. During those student years wewere a happy bunch, looking forward to seeing each other after summer, and enjoyingbeing outside in...
Master Minders ROUND ONE Team 3 – ‘’The Horizon is not the just the continuation’’
With Master Minds off to a third round – things changed! -Not only was there a new facilitator in Henrik Mjöman, much of the workshop went in Latvian ! The reason being if we wish a wider audience we need broaden the base, and I had asked two people in who both know...
Success MADE failure
A costly phenomenon in local society -costing us more than a leg and an arm… …is that of judging others based on one’s own limitation. Being a sales person is being something of an artist to get it right and yet we are often frowned upon by the other 80% of Society as...
Small is beautiful
In our societies we tend to think in numbers. Are there enough people there, why so few are questions always looming from those who think they know better + but, they don’t and that is refreshening to know but sometime there is that feeling David and Goliath! Back in...
How Henrik met ABBA and ended up on the cover of their record!
It was that month in October, all those years ago, we write 1974 when Henrik reported to the hotel where he would work for the next three(3) weeks. It was an internship for the young man for him to learn about what work was, and what other people do for a living so he...
Sauteed Herring / Fermented Herring Surströmming
The story of how Sweden came to cherish and love Surströmming is not just one but several. However, the base seems the same: POVERTY. You see, we were not always wealthy and one reason of course was our climate and our geographical deposition, with cold, and hot...
Tuesday, August 22 with the NorwegianChamber of Commerce and the Finnish equivalent
So, The B2BLiSTlv project manager was out networking on Tuesday, August 22 with the NorwegianChamber of Commerce and the Finnish equivalent. The event held in a restaurant called BURZMA,turned out a very nice experience and also the first time I in more than 15 years...
META presentation ”Going AGAINST The Grain” by Ricards Rozins
When Ricards Rozins presented his META to us present at B2BLiST on August 3, he brought up a few ideas he wished to show how they mean when Going AGAINST The Grain, which the headline was. It refers to advertising against the norm, the standard and opposite to the...
The LiST Concept – What is expected of You?
The LiST Concept - what is expected of You? ACTIVITY, PRESENCE at many events, that You speak, present and BRING in new people/Business ! That you TELL people about us, and when member you wear the button so people ask ’’What is that" ? But the main idea, which also...
August 7, MasterMind no.2
The second MasterMinds was no less successful than the first and created appetite for more as the evening ended. Not only because the ideas kept coming as we approached 21:00, where again no one wanted to leave, but with wives expecting their man home, we managed one...
How Henrik met famous Band Leader Count Basie, out-of-the-blue !
It was late in the autumn when I arrived at Castle Hotel in October 1974, that early morning. I was still just 13 as I am born late in the year and my peers, as there were three of us were their 15, bordering on 16 years old. They had an international world accordion...
Wasting our public a resources for short-term joy
Time loss extravaganza no one in his her right mind can afford with public funds or even own.. A less discussed issue in Latvia is how we expend our dire resources – namely suddenly surfacing new National days, and Birthdays and Name days, and what they do for the...
Learning a language
Learning a language does not have to be boring and the results may come faster. Too! Learning a language may happen in so many ways – but the more we can use the person’s previous knowledge, experience and hobbies the faster it goes. Late in the autumn of 2022, a...
Our supporters say
Andris Zvejnieks, Expert in Communication and Leadership, based in Stockholm and Riga. His company Communicate4result SIA is a Supporting Gold Member. ”Long term business relationships are more profitable. New business opportunities are harder to find. New...
The MasterMind workshop on July 18 turned into a remarkable success!
The MasterMind workshop on July 18 turned into a remarkable success! It took me two good weeks to get together the critical mass we needed – 8-10 companies/individuals, we could have harboured more, but could not be any less. In that tough process I realized I was not...
When I ‘’met’’ The Boss – Yes, Bruce Springsteen
Well, this is an amazing story as it all was so unexpected. I was sitting viewing these short videos they have on Face book when I was encouraged to make my own story, you know the one they send round your phone which lasts 24 hours, or so? Anyway, suddenly his...
A small success story in Networking
Many years ago I heard of an Estonian-and Baltic delegation coming to Stockholm. The year was 1996. I was home from Latvia, still looking for work and I decided to go there for no special reason other than to try my luck. As it was I had heard a young minister of...
To Succeed on The LiST…
I thought I should add a little something of what it takes to succeed on The LiST – and one word that comes to mind is TENACITY – as keeping at it, trying to be at as many events as possible, and although you might succeed the first time, there might be more around...
Henrik’s power drink
Power drink – Nutritionally friendly – has it all A few years back I was watching the British chef Jamie Oliver when he showed what he was drinking throughout the program, and the recipe came up. Later, I looked through the internetto see I had all the right...
Preach the wisdom of LEAN
Iron Man Aigars Sveicars
There are not many IRON Men in this world – However we are fortunate to have one – Aigars Sveicars. Originally, we met during an interview process I ran to place a bank manager to Finland some 10+ years ago, and from then on we have kept contact. What I admire about...
Vents Druva
Vents Druva is another star of The B2BLiST. Australian-Latvian as he is, he is uniquely set to share his ideas in the Latvian construction market – one because he has worked elsewhere and can draw upon those experiences and insights, secondly as he is a Latvian...
Arvids Ploksta
Arvids Ploksta is a very talented murals’ painter, decorator-restorer. He understand paints, surfaces, what to apply and what works on a wall, and doesn’t. Arvids also judges at international competitions for Master classes. We suggest you use his abilities when you...
Part of what we do at B2BliST and our events are trying wines, and often pairing them off with food. The phenomenon is called ‘’LIQUIDITY’’, and is a wine club with events run by Sylvio Abrats and Henrik Mjoman. Sylvio has 25+ years in the business and personally...
Blue Shock
Aigars Zviedris and son Valters of are the very successful racing-team-family that compete in the Baltics, down on the continent and elsewhere. -Championships with BMW 325-type, Legend cars and Electric Go Carts are their mainstay. Also produced,...
Supporting GOLD member, Stefan Westberg
One of the backbones of B2BLiST is no doubt Supporting GOLD member, Stefan Westberg. Present in Latvia over 30 years he speaks the language knows the culture, and when not installing heat pumps for he is the outstanding chef at events! Cooking luxury...
Partner of SLG Thomas International for Latvia
When using the THOMAS profiling it is in combination with doing your homework first – namely a proper CV at hand, possibly a cover letter, certainly a job description and combined with a first round interview – you should be all set. The THOMAS is a complement, taking...
LIQUIDITY May 11, 2023
The first picture may look strange but there is that rod in the middle for photographic purposes, the umbrella I think, but the picture is from LIQUIDITY and could be added there. The adjoining text could be: Sylvio Abrats introduces to the tasting, May 11, 2023....
Sylvio Abrats ‘’Harijas Vinu Galerija’’
Sylvio Abrats is a wine trader, and owns ‘’Harijas Vinu Galerija’’ which imports wines from his native country Germany, and also Italy, Spain, Austria and other. Sylvio’s greatness lies in his drive to get the best and he delivers by personally meeting and often...
Henrik Juris Fridmanis – JFinance
Juris Fridmanis, (JFinance) is the man behind the project of delivering efficiency and timeliness In Road Construction. Having met PRIME late 2000’s we have kept contact indirectly over the years and both share an interest for wine. This time around Juris has managed...
Stig Lönnberg – Beweship
Stig Lönnberg is one of the best networkers and knows ‘’that practice makes perfect’’. He is the most loyal particpant and helped PRIME move fr BrivibasGatve to Caka 34, where we are located today. Logistics is his field, he has worked in Estonia, Russia and the past...
Dzintra Jones – SOS Villages
Dzintra Jones is a truly amazing person with The LiST. On an everyday basis she manages up to 27 countries, over 4 time zones and in three languages – English, French & Russian. What she does? She coordinates, and trains her colleagues of SOS Villages fr her base...
SILVER Business Member – Davis Natrins
Davis Natrins is a SILVER Business Member with LiST, and represents two Swedish companies – Musa Raceland and ETICS. The former runs corporate racing events with specially equipped Volvos in Bauska where teams are raced in heats against each other. ETICS is however...
The Stockholm School of Economics Riga – Morten Hansen
Teaching Professor and Head of Department at SSE, The Stockholm School of Economics, on March 23, Morten Hansen was host and presenter when the subject ‘’Spring is in the Air – but what about the Economy’’? Waiting long between COVID peaks we finally got the event...
Ambassador and Honorary SILVER Business Member – Sarmite Teibe
Sarmite Teibe has seen several LiST events over the years, and initially joined back in the late 2000s. Having successfully run Hanzas Maiznica as the GM, today she runs her own company Amber Work. Sarmite is very much the businesswoman and very versatile – a...
B2BLiST – Past events
When we ran B2BLiST previously we accrued a bunch of results of all kinds and sizes - I wish LiST you a few, as all were not communicated us: One of the first was attracting many more clients for Dental Estetika / Latvia Dental - Dental Tourism, both with the locals...