The MasterMind workshop on July 18 turned into a remarkable success! It took me two good weeks to get together the critical mass we needed – 8-10 companies/individuals, we could have harboured more, but could not be any less. In that tough process I realized I was not selling B2B, very often B2C, namely to an individual the amount maybe daunting, whereas to a company it is cheap. In Latvia few if any local employer’s support their employees’ ambitions to stay abreast the market, thus if anyone wants to come, it is out of own pocket.
Pricewise, given three hours work at the premises, it also means preparation and then calling and emailing potentials – but even more, my being convinced it would do the job (which I will describe, shortly) was one thing, that to tell and coach another person was very hard. To add a number cancelled suddenly, which mean that instead of trying to onboard new names, I had to do fire-fighting which also affected the all-important income streams needed in good time to give me lee-way to call others telling then who is coming, people also waited till last minute to pay, which just adds to the problem as it means some are jockeying for the option to opt out – and all this creates uncertainty when I sell participation – we do want the best minds present – as part of this also works as Networking finding new partners-in-crime!
Sadly one man caught Covid the last hours prior to our event and one had to leave to tend to his other business, so we lost two brilliants minds – but no worries, they are informed we took the decision to run it one more time, based on the success we garnered! All came on time, food on time served within minutes and we could start as planned to be able to deliver all with the three hours planned.
I, Henrik, was elected the guinea pifg to try the system on and despite being somewhat unsure I sensed it would happen this had decided what three issues I could weather. Languages, and how to attract clients and I gave a 2-minute-pitch which led to 19 ideas offered me in 12 minutes! The tempo was high – starting with clarification questions and then the supportive ideas each person came with. Regardless of background, all contributed and it was very nice to see their focus and interest in their fellow man/woman, and I too have after sent one additional idea forward that could yield the extra income and leads further the person could harvest. My active participant had sent two people forward where sales and revenue increase were the discussions They received 16 ideas, an IT company launching a land breaking new App gained 8 and at least 6 companies decided upon my ‘’bravery’’ decided to try their chances! One of them later divulged to another person present that it had been very good and most constructive! Exactly that feeling is what propelled us on-the-night. Yet another comment said that both the act of giving was too, also educational to the giver as you learn how to attack the issue and may feel good about having helped yet another being. Also, I felt that in the straightforward sincerity I received! And also after two active people said: ‘’We want to see Henrik, succeed with his company”. Another participant and member got a lead for delivering repairs, which is even better as the recipient is one of our largest sponsors! 🙂
Now, based on the sight of the beaming smiles shown, many thanks I received and seeing one person in particular distraught upon entering, he was literally on fire! An attempt by our trainer to close shop for the evening led to two people voicing their concerns that e had merely started and should see this out as long as possible, with Midnight looking a new target! -Well, low and behold, all stayed on another 2 hrs, much also thanks to our Chef-De-Partie Stefan Westberg, who had made a brilliantly composed Quiche Lorraine which had been such a success in the past at an earlier event, each of us had energy late into the evening which led us to having a go each of us and having something to tell our grand children when that day occurs. Even though beer fr BRALIS was on the menu, water was chosen as driving wa son the agenda and one participant having to drive to Klaipeda early next morning. The event boiled with enthusiasm in the air in a way I have never seen, all were smiling, laughing, and some asked when the next would be? And to that I can confirm we saw this as a one-off originally but with so many that could not come and even a professional speaker from Rezekne wanting to be IN on this asked ‘’when the next’’? Resulting in ‘’we will run it on Aug 7 and possibly that same week on the 9 th or 10’’ as that is the only time Andris Zvejnieks is present here. I would go so far to say that if you can come a 2 nd time, you should – new brains present with new angles of approach! And if only one idea of all works, it could be ticket money back, but also the start of new income streams, apart from just feeling one now are not alone anymore but have new friends to ask! Andris Zvejnieks expertly took us through this, made sure we stayed true to the core, staving off conversation not needed by giving us the right cues, to re-connect on the topic where needed!
When all was quiet again by midnight I started cleaning all up, wrote more, added information for the next round and emailed people to make sure they keep us in mind. It may even be we modify, and run a second level based on McKinnsey possibly splintering it into a B2BLiST event where we all can support our neighboor at the table and this energize events further! Many thanks to all of you present for being so active, and for ‘’playing’’ along and constructive. I will be there the next time to oil up my systems on other issues I need help with and report what I have done so more can be learned and allowing us to team up inside list leading to support, trust and ingenious thought patterns! THANK You all for trusting me to advise you to join the workshop – now we go get results so we can Make Business Happen!
Henrik Mjoman Riga 2023-07-21