LiST / B2BLiST pamatu veido atziņa, ka mēs visi aktīvi un līdzdalīgi ieguldām savu laiku un pūles, lai veicinātu biznesa attīstību. B2BLiST ir forums biznesam, kas strādā gan vietējā, gan pārrobežu un citos tirgos. Reizēm tas esmu es, projekta vadītājs, citreiz kāds biedrs, kurš iniciē idejas. Biedrība darbojas neatkarīgi no gadalaika lielāku vai mazāku, dienas vai vakara sapulču formātā, diskutējot gan par aktuālām, gan citādi interesentām tēmām. Galvenais mērķis ir prezentēt un parādīt savus uzņēmumus, rast iespēju sazināties ar citiem biznesa cilvēkiem lai kopā veicinātu savu biznesu un valsts attīstību. Vienkārši sakot “Biznesa īstenošanas veicināšana”.

Dalības līmeņi atspoguļo priekšrocību un sniegto pakalpojumu apjomu. Mēs neesam politiska organizācija, bet orientējamies tikai uz biznesu! Nodokļu un praktisku iemeslu dēļ uzņēmēju asociācija darbojas SIA PRIME Staffing & Consulting pakļautībā.

Man, kā šī projektu vadītājam, ir jāzina Jūsu mērķi un laika grafiks, kā arī jāuzklausa Jūsu ierosinājumi. Tos es izmantošu, izvēloties un uzrunājot dalībniekus, sponsorus un runātājus, jo darba procesā satieku daudzus cilvēkus ar dažādām interesēm un iespējām. Šo vēlmju saskaņošana un īstenošana ir ATBILSTĪBU jeb MATCH veidošana! Tikai vēlme iegūt, piemēram, “vairāk klientu” nav risinājums, mums savas vajadzības ir jādefinē precīzāk un izvērstāk! Tādēļ ar katru no Jums es tikšos, lai pārrunātu Jūsu intereses un noslēgtu savstarpēju individuālu līgumu.

B2BliST aizsākās jau 2007./2008. gadā, lai mazinātu toreizējās krīzes sekas, jo es vēlos atzīmēt, ka toreiz neviens īsti nezināja, kā pareizāk rīkoties. Īpaši svarīgi tas bija maniem ārvalstu klientiem, kuri atradās svešā zemē. Tas sākās ar nelielām piektdienas pusdienu sanāksmēm (un biļetenu), lai sapulcinātu cilvēkus, tostarp darba meklētājus, nepiespiestā un draudzīgā atmosfērā. Tas darbojās labi, un mums, pat neskatoties uz valstī bēdīgo situāciju, izdevās iekārtot cilvēkus darbā ! Es iesaistījos šai procesā nesavtīgi, lai rādītu labu piemēru, bet lielākā daļa manu klientu maksāja dalības maksu, lai kopīgi izveidotu produktīvu bāzi un dalītos ar saviem panākumiem! Mēs arī izveidojām darba meklētāju sistēmu, lai veicinātu daudzsološu cilvēku darbā iekārtošanu,
pamatojoties uz abpusēju izdevīgumu. Mūsu sasniegumi auga, tobrīd šādas aktivitātes bija pilnīgs jaunums Latvijai; laika gaitā palielinajās pasākumu dažādība un skaits, gada laikā sasniedzot pat 21(!). Šoreiz mūsu mērķis ir 8-10+ pasākumi gadā. Sākot ar2013. gadu mēs ieturējām pauzi, jo laiki bija mainījušies, un grūtākais posms bija beidzies. Tomēr esmu redzējis pārāk maz izmaiņu un domāju, ka ir jādara daudz vairāk, un to var izdarīt, taču mums tas jādara pašiem, jāpalīdz viens otram, nevis
jāgaida, kad tiks piedāvāts sudraba šķīvis vai ES mūs glābs. Neviens mums neko gatavu nesniegs, ja vien paši neieguldīsim savu darbu!

COVID vīrusa ietekme parādīja, cik mēs esam neaizsargāti, un kādi ir riski, kad mums pietrūks papildus finansējuma avotu un paralēli netiek gūti ieņēmumi pārmērīgi uzspiestu un negodīgu valdības lēmumu dēļ! Tāpat mēs zaudējām klientus, attiecību ar kuriem veidošanā bijām pavadījuši mēnešus un gadus, tāpat arī saruka mūsu plāni un cerības uz labu karjeru un pienācīgu dzīvesveidu. Tā vietā šis laiks kļuva par īstu izaicinājuma periodu! Tādēl vairāk kā jebkad agrāk mums – uzņēmumu īpašniekiem, lēmumu pieņēmējiem un vadītājiem- ir jāsanāk kopā un jāstiprina sadarbība! Tāpēc pievienojieties The LiST, lai satiktu citus līdzīgi domājošus cilvēkus!

Henriks Mjömans, Rīga


In Latvia

Supporting GOLD Business Member

Supporting GOLD Business Member: All as below to other levels, but adding an annual write-up/article, interview, or your own material edited by LiST in the newsletter cost free(value EUR 350+); 1 free speech 15 min (value EUR 260+); Four(4) entrance fees (value EUR 65+) cost-free per year & lowest entrance fee where possible; right to invite guests at same cost as own to ONE invoice; 25% discount on speech times and rent-of-tables at events; 1 roll-up at events for free. LIQUIDITY Wine Club membership/annum is free. Special mentioning in opening speeches; Your investment: EUR 995 ex VAT 21%

New prices as of April 1, 2023.

SILVER Business Member

SILVER Business Member: As below, adding the right to bring (1) roll-up-poster to events(value EUR 35), free-of-charge/event; 5-10% off recruitment prices & language courses; Two(2) free-entry tickets/annum per membership (value EUR 65+/pc); Reduced entrance fee where possible; and the right to invite guest at same price as own fee, but to ONE invoice; 10-15% discount on speech times longer than 10 minutes, tables- fees; 15% off consultancy fees when  purchasing such; The THOMAS PPA for 345 EUR (value 365 ex VAT 21%) ; Special mentioning each event until we become too many. Investment: EUR 455 ex VAT 21%

New prices taking effect as of April 1, 2023

STANDARD Business Level

STANDARD Business Member: A lapel badge ’LiST’. The right to attend with priority over non-members; Discounted entrance fee where applicable; Newsletter w discounts; You may invite guests at 5 EUR discount/entrant of non-member’s fee (we invoice you, this amount applies uniquely to Standard member and LiST must know identity & purpose). Agreement
between LiST and the member, of a % of your personal networking results, at general search for partner-results and or personalized search efforts by LiST, as per individual discussion; 5% off recruitment prices, 10% off language courses in Swedish & English. Annual renewal discount 5%; Later: listing on web site. Investment: EUR 335 ex VAT 21%.

New prices apply from April 1, 2023.

INDIVIDUAL STANDARD Membership 1-year-trial, then new decision

This category applies only to such individuals who are employees of companies, not working in own entity. All as per STANDARD Membership fees’ level, Investment: EUR 245 ex VAT 21%. Prices as per April 1, 2023.

JOB Seeker Member 1-year

Special membership rules apply – where we have a meeting, Meeting ONE as per invoice. Then we decide whether to continue or not. Upon YES – we offer you the next leg (interviews, CV-work, cover letters, testing plus feedback, back-office work equals at least in time the meeting time). All to invoice paid in advance. Plan for 8+ hrs. Possibly development of personalized business cards as per findings at separate cost to developed template. Additional hours as per need. This done next discussion on how we acquire a position, our support incl securing interviews and to which extent to find is our job or your’s or a combination of this. Additional hours for coaching other where it applies per hour or monthly fee – we
see! Here is where you are officially a JOB Seeker – EUR 225+ VAT 21%. Entrance fee at reduced rate, probably at STANDARD level. Prices applies as per April 1, 2023.

OVERSEAS – as seen from Latvia

OVERSEAS General Idea

Partner sourcing, set-ups, organising business meetings with lawyers, accountancy providers, taxation advisers, real estate contacts and banks, can be made available.

Recruitment and profiling; Testing, IQ and Team building; Membership starts upon day of invoicing, confirmed by date of payment and runs for a year, minus one day.

Get in touch for further details about this membership.

Supporting EXECUTIVE Overseas Member

As per the above and additionally 30% off fees for setting up business meetings (ex costs) with partners, other facilitators, and /or V.I.P.’s. Membership entrance fees apply. -Let’s discuss your specific wishes and needs! Booking you with partner hotels as per advise! Also, possible to arrange activities (hunting, golf, horse riding, flying aircraft, spa treatment – Do tell!), city guiding,  other(other states can sometimes be arranged), in different languages. Medical- & Dental Tourism with local facilitators.

Interview annually presented to members. Free speech time 15 min.

Three (3) free entries over the membership year – may invite spouse/colleague.

Discounts on PRIME services as per level – applicable.

Potential Investment: EUR 1,865.00 ex VAT 21% (to be set finally with the individual upon when our knowing what shall be delivered).

STANDARD Overseas' Member

Member entrance fees apply, and other, as per discussion and attendance. Listing on web site with logo and company name, URL-link. Other, as per discussion. Investment: EUR 325 ex VAT 21% . 

Overseas Member (Light) Membership

Membership entrance fee for the STANDARD member and spouse, at those fees, that apply to the individual event. This, and for any guests at guest price levels, member allowed to bring an agreed amount of participants in advance of participants.


Form filled out / person, to understand your sought needs/ interests. This membership is meant as support from overseas resident, later to be upgraded as per intention-discussion. 1 st participation at discount of 20 EUR ex VAT 21%

Each level comes with some sharing of the success – we discuss! We may tailor this as we discuss!

EUR 195 ex VAT 21%.




“It’s great that Henrik brings together active, highly motivated business people. These meetings are purposeful and Henrik has an amazing capability to connect people who are mutually interesting to each other. I personally have expanded my partner network and thereby improved the quality of my business, for which I am grateful.”


Entrepreneur in Riga

”I can highly recommend any person, company representative, job seeker etc., to attend The B2BLiST. Here you can meet new, or already developed contacts, enjoy good food and tasty wine, and develop your network in a relaxed atmosphere. -Get some fresh air and have a small break from ordinary work, and create new ideas! It takes time to build a network! Many of us, I believe, including I, also need to learn how to make steps finding new possible customers or service providers, and to maintain this network. You can gain from it in many ways and other participants can also benefit from your participation – a win-win situation”.


Commodities Trader

Thank you very much for inviting me to the relaunching of The LiST! The TASTE LiST of February 21 was an outstandingly, well-organised event with an exceptionally well-matched group of people. It was also an event put together with great skill and overseen from start to finish with the same great skill. Very few are able to organise and run such an event, so well, you are one of the few who can! It was a privilege to attend that event and I am very grateful indeed to you for inviting me.


Interior Designer & Business Developer (

“I have known Henrik almost from when I came to Latvia in 2006. We have often been on business delegations in regional corporate visits with the Finnish ambassador to gain new ideas and broaden our networks, and also at numerous business events with many nationalities. Henrik, also creates very good, and warm-hearted B2B-Dinner meetings that I do recommend! His long experience of business-life and networking in Latvia is without rival. Definitely, turn to Henrik if you need the services he can offer”.


2020 Faced with the Corona virus hysteria, we just managed to run two events, early in the year.



On January 31, a Friday early evening, upon advise we ran an ‘’Italian flavoured evening on Italian food stuffs, Wine and Italy’’ and invited business managers, several with personal experience of Italy, some doing business with Italy. The purpose to learn, get acquainted, see opportunities and be able to interact with those that could know – AND for business in general, in a convivial atmosphere, end-of-week! Local shop-owner for iTiT, Gianluigi Rondano (20+ years in Riga), stood our host, but having had only 9 days to put it together, we felt we were not done and a date all could agree on was Feb 21. Both events filled up, business owners exclusively – as a result we enjoyed great Italian delicacies, wine and meeting new people.

People came from logistics, construction, office services, hospitality, trading, real estate management, consulting, energy, automation, branding, marketing, project management, educational training, and fashion just to mention but some. And from at least half-a-dozen countries…-Needless to say, our excellent host, Gianluigi benefited, and all of us left with smiles – as it should be!  A posteriori! /HenrikM 

P.s. It has been understood his wines (very elegant and tasty, sourced by himself, in Italy) are unique, and his Grappa, in value for money – is exceptional!:). At Kr Valdemara 137-K1, Riga. Gianluigi’s opening hours are week days, number of deliveries decide circa 13:00- 19:00, Saturday’s 13:00-17:00. Gianluigi speaks Latvian, Russian, Italian and English !

P.s.II. Be careful how you park near the shop in-the-parking-lot. The neighboors…are most mischievious


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