This morning we were invited to share a breakfast with the Finnish ambassador and Minister of
Finnance Mr Aseradens. WE all arrived timely, the dining table was largely full – Lindstroms, SILJA,
Neste, TietaEVRY (our chairwoman Valerija Varna), with Janis Ozolins and another lawyer from them, Scandicorp w Lasse Henritiius (former Leinonen GM Latvia), Inta Krasovska Chamber Director, Arnis Pooks Finnish foreign ministry w own business in media and some more were, there- Yes, Ms Stock man who asked some great questions!
Topics were on boarder safety, Finance, Capital markets, any border incursions from our large neighbors – but none, Latvian savings per capita after salaries, how to attract business now the border is seen as being next door too, but still a rocket knows no borders,, so you might as well sit in Iceland and be hit and nobody would know. The world has now since the atrocities in Israel much changed so who do you wish attract into your country?
Also what is considered performance – operations carried out, or good results to the patient, the
minister said that was a discussion too, something, I myself now am abundantly aware of. A bit kike in GOSPLAN – produce nails for 5 years then all is fine!:)
That is where we left it at 10.30 this morning, October 31, Henrik Mjoman Cold War veteran