Having now been part of Networking myself already back to 1996, I was told anew I should set one up!

Being part of Networking where at a time 96% of all business I drew in came this way – I now embark on offering one or two shorter trainings.

I have seen that a lot are uncomfortable in approaching a networking scene and I have even given it a nick-name: The Monster-in-The-Closet. Reason: as a child I was afraid of what was under the bed when it was dark, so instead of climbing in, I jumped in. Now you can’t do that all life, you need come to terms wit it before ..the springs break, right.

If I can make business doing this many more can and especially those silent diamonds out there that have yet to be discovered cand, I believe with a bit of coaching, and helped finding a system improve their chances, Also, get away from fear and embrace the opportunity.

I think this has to be more than one session – as you need think in between and come with solutions as we are going to get the tools right.

This could also be about looking for work, not ’’just’’ finding a suitable business partner and if you read my other blogs in www.b2blist.lv you will see I have had a fair amount of success getting work where none were announced. And isn’t that the point?

Stay tuned and suggest me or tell if you are interested – this is capital hidden under the blankets but whether you need just a Prince on a white horse or a Princess to give You kiss – we shall see!:)
My fair guess we could start in October!

Caka 34