There are not many IRON Men in this world – However we are fortunate to have one – Aigars Sveicars. Originally, we met during an interview process I ran to place a bank manager to Finland some 10+ years ago, and from then on we have kept contact. What I admire about Aigars is how he manages to focus over many months to focus while performing his normal duties at the bank AND put in the hours to bicycle, to swim and to run a complete marathon, but unlike you and I – not one of them but ALL in ONE day!! It consists of a 3.9 km swim, 182 km cycling and a marathon of 42.2 km – an amazing amount to accomplish!

During the autumn last year Aigars held a very interesting presentation about his sport and it
enlightened many of us, and inspired myself – loads.

To accomplish his feat and aims for the future, Aigars needs funding – as in sponsors, short term and long term. Currently, his largest aim is focusing on Perth, Australia, December 2025. Meanwhile he will compete around Europe.

To participate, and do well, it is about eating correctly, right nutrition, regular training over the months and pacing himself not to burn out early. So, many weeks, and months of continuous work ahead – Ladies & Gentlemen! My thoughts are we need form some sort of support organisation to make this happen – anyone out there with ideas?

Otherwise, Aigars is available for consultation on establishing financing applications, to get the paperwork right, which is something he is equally strong at! So, come to LiST and meet very dynamic, versatile people! Aigars certainly embodies this, we can agree, can’t we?!